Sunday, January 31, 2010

How can you Love me?

A new friend of mine told me that she was

separated from her boyfriend. I had noticed

that her eyes were swollen from crying. She

looked haggard and tired. She had been up all

night having arguments with her boyfriend. I

did not ask her the subject of the disagreement,

but the gist of it was something about a mutual

friend of theirs , more mutual toward him than

her, I gathered. What came out of our discussion

was this. He did not argue fairly and he dissed

her and made fun of her, or he belittled her

during the conflict. Many reasons that this type

of argument exists is because the subject, while

important, was not the reason for his taking the

liberties that he did to make her feel badly. He

was out of a job. His self esteem was at it's

lowest point. To make himself feel better, he

felt the need to belittle her. For a few moments

she got caught up in defending herself. In the

long run she hated the feeling that he put on her

and she could not help but feel disdain for him

the next day and the following day. Is love there?

That is between the two of them. True love should

never permit you to take advantage of your spouse

or loved one ever. Human nature takes over

sometimes and leads us down roads we do not normally

take. Sincere love and dedicated love should never

have put them in this position. If he knew the girl

would be a conflict, she should never have been in the

picture. If he needs, wants, or desires the other

girl more than the girl he professes his love for,

maybe he should be with her. Don't verbally abuse

your loved one. Verbal abuse can be just as

detrimental as physical abuse because we as humans

carry those memories long after physical bruises

have disappeared. The emotional scars last much

longer. Treat your spouse or loved one

like you want to be treated. Think before you

speak. Realize that words once spoken cannot be

taken back just because you feel sorry. Keep

communication open but friendly. It is so easy

to sit down and write these words. It takes a

very strong person with an attitude of trust,

care, and desire to make another human being

happy all the time. A lofty goal for sure, but

a goal that is attainable and causes longevity

in a relationship. Isn't that what love is really

all about in the long run? Isn't this what we

all desire in our life? To love and be loved.

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